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SciGene Adds Only CAP-Compliant FISH Hybridizer to its Product Line

2018-April —SciGene introduced the CytoBrite® PLUS Slide Incubation System, the only programmable FISH hybridizer with onboard temperature verification of each slide position, as required by CAP regulation CYG.33950*. Individual sensors continuously monitor each of the 12 slide positions. A NIST-certified digital thermometer is provided for easy calibration and to confirm each slide reaches temperature. Time and temperature for each run is recorded to a USB drive. The instrument can be used alone or as integral part of the MicroFISH® Assay System.

*CYG.33950- ISH Slide Processing System Temperature Checks (Phase II): Individual slide slots (or a representative sample thereof) of in situ hybridization (ISH) temperature controlled slide processing systems are checked for temperature accuracy before being placed in service and at least annually thereafter